I conducted a different survey from my partner a we felt that by doing two, we'd have a better indication of which digipak is more appealing. I went to Brent Cross Shopping Centre with printouts of both digipaks and posters and asked 100 people the following:
1) Which cover do you prefer?
59% Amanda's 41% Mine
2) Which back cover do you prefer?
62% Amanda's 38% Mine
3) On your digipak of choice do you feel any improvements need to be made, if so what?
66% No Improvements necessary 33% suggested minor improvements on the inside covers
4) What genre of music do you feel these digipaks are for?
92% RnB 8% Soul
5) Would you purchase/download your digipak of choice?
81% Yes 19% No (Do not like RnB)
From this survey I have come to the conclusion that Amanda's digipak is more appealing, both our digipaks successfully depict an RnB album and those who like RnB would buy one of our digipaks.
Our final digipak and poster is Amanda's, I feel that it will attract our target audience better than my own and looks more professional.